Section 14 Realtime Clock
Page 678 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Register Name Abbreviation R/W Initial Value Address
Date alarm register RDAYAR R/W H'xx H'FFFE6018 8
Month alarm register RMONAR R/W H'xx H'FFFE601A 8
Year alarm register RYRAR R/W H'xxxx H'FFFE6020 16
Control register 1 RCR1 R/W H'xx H'FFFE601C 8
Control register 2 RCR2 R/W H'09 H'FFFE601E 8
Control register 3 RCR3 R/W H'x0 H'FFFE6024 8
Control register 5 RCR5 R/W H'xx H'FFFE6026 8
Frequency register H RFRH R/W H'xxxx H'FFFE602A 16
Frequency register L RFRL R/W H'xxxx H'FFFE602C 16
14.3.1 64-Hz Counter (R64CNT)
R64CNT indicates the state of the divider circuit between 64 Hz and 1 Hz.
Reading this register, when carry from 128-Hz divider stage is generated, sets the CF bit in the
control register 1 (RCR1) to 1 so that the carrying and reading 64 Hz counter are performed at the
same time is indicated. In this case, the R64CNT should be read again after writing 0 to the CF bit
in RCR1 since the read value is not valid.
After the RESET bit or ADJ bit in the control register 2 (RCR2) is set to 1, the divider circuit is
initialized and R64CNT is initialized.
UndefinedUndefined UndefinedUndefined UndefinedUndefined Undefined
Initial value:
- 1Hz 2Hz 4Hz 8Hz 16Hz 32Hz 64Hz