Section 11 Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 571 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
VF bit
WF bit
TIOC3B pin
TIOC3D pin
TIOC4A pin
TIOC4C pin
TIOC4B pin
TIOC4D pin
6-phase output
When BDC = 1, N = 1, P = 1, FB = 1, output active level = high
Figure 11.66 Example of Output Phase Switching by Means of UF, VF, WF Bit Settings (2)
(q) A/D Converter Start Request Setting
In complementary PWM mode, an A/D converter start request can be issued using a TGRA_3
compare-match, TCNT_4 underflow (trough), or compare-match on a channel other than channels
3 and 4.
When start requests using a TGRA_3 compare-match are specified, A/D conversion can be started
at the crest of the TCNT_3 count.
A/D converter start requests can be set by setting the TTGE bit to 1 in the timer interrupt enable
register (TIER). To issue an A/D converter start request at a TCNT_4 underflow (trough), set the
TTGE2 bit in TIER_4 to 1.