Section 6 Exception Handling
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 135 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Table 6.3 shows the vector numbers and vector table address offsets. Table 6.4 shows how vector
table addresses are calculated.
Table 6.3 Exception Handling Vector Table
Exception Sources
Numbers Vector Table Address Offset
Power-on reset PC 0 H'00000000 to H'00000003
SP 1 H'00000004 to H'00000007
Manual reset PC 2 H'00000008 to H'0000000B
SP 3 H'0000000C to H'0000000F
General illegal instruction 4 H'00000010 to H'00000013
(Reserved by system) 5 H'00000014 to H'00000017
Slot illegal instruction 6 H'00000018 to H'0000001B
(Reserved by system) 7 H'0000001C to H'0000001F
8 H'00000020 to H'00000023
CPU address error 9 H'00000024 to H'00000027
DMA address error 10 H'00000028 to H'0000002B
Interrupts NMI 11 H'0000002C to H'0000002F
(Reserved by system) 12 H'00000030 to H'00000033
FPU exception 13 H'00000034 to H'00000037
User debugging interface 14 H'00000038 to H'0000003B
Bank overflow 15 H'0000003C to H'0000003F
Bank underflow 16 H'00000040 to H'00000043
Integer division exception (division by zero) 17 H'00000044 to H'00000047
Integer division exception (overflow) 18 H'00000048 to H'0000004B
(Reserved by system) 19
H'0000004C to H'0000004F
H'0000007C to H'0000007F
Trap instruction (user vector) 32
H'00000080 to H'00000083
H'000000FC to H'000000FF