Section 20 Controller Area Network
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 1013 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bits 10 to 8 — Time Segment 2 (TSG2[2:0] = BCR1[10:8]): These bits are used to set the
segment TSEG2 (= PHSEG2) to compensate for edges on the CAN Bus with a negative phase
error. A value from 2 to 8 time quanta can be set as shown below.
Bit 10:
Bit 9:
Bit 8:
TSG2[0] Description
0 0 0 Setting prohib ited (Initial value)
0 0 1 PHSEG2 = 2 time quanta (conditionally prohibited)
0 1 0 PHSEG2 = 3 time quanta
0 1 1 PHSEG2 = 4 time quanta
1 0 0 PHSEG2 = 5 time quanta
1 0 1 PHSEG2 = 6 time quanta
1 1 0 PHSEG2 = 7 time quanta
1 1 1 PHSEG2 = 8 time quanta
Bits 7 and 6: Reserved. The written value should always be '0' and the returned value is '0'.
Bits 5 and 4 - ReSynchronisation Jump Width (SJW[1:0] = BCR0[5:4]): These bits set the
synchronisation jump width.
Bit 5:
Bit 4:
SJW[0] Description
0 0 Synchronisation Jump width = 1 time quantum (Initial value)
0 1 Synchronisation Jump width = 2 time quanta
1 0 Synchronisation Jump width = 3 time quanta
1 1 Synchronisation Jump width = 4 time quanta
Bits 3 to 1: Reserved. The written value should always be '0' and the returned value is '0'.
Bit 0 — Bit Sample Point (BSP = BCR1[0]): Sets the point at which data is sampled.
Bit 0 : BSP Description
0 Bit sampling at one point (end of time segment 1) (Initial value)
1 Bit sampling at three points (rising edge of the last three clock cycles of