Section 24 A/D Converter
Page 1284 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
AN0 to AN7*
3 kΩ
20 pF
To A/D converter
Note: Values are reference values.
* Only AN0 to AN3 can be used in the SH7262 Group.
Figure 24.9 Analog Input Pin Equivalent Circuit
Table 24.7 Analog Input Pin Ratings
Item Min. Max. Unit
Analog input capacitance 20 pF
Allowable signal-source impedance 5 k
24.7.5 Permissible Signal Source Impedance
This LSI's analog input is designed such that conversion precision is guaranteed for an input signal
for which the signal source impedance is 5 k or less. This specification is provided to enable the
A/D converter's sample-and-hold circuit input capacitance to be charged within the sampling time;
if the sensor output impedance exceeds 5 k, charging may be insufficient and it may not be
possible to guarantee A/D conversion precision. However, for A/D conversion in single mode with
a large capacitance provided externally for A/D conversion in single mode, the input load will
essentially comprise only the internal input resistance of 3 k, and the signal source impedance is
ignored. However, as a low-pass filter effect is obtained in this case, it may not be possible to
follow an analog signal with a large differential coefficient (e.g., 5 mV/s or greater) (see
figure 24.10). When converting a high-speed analog signal, a low-impedance buffer should be