Section 34 User Debugging Interface
Page 1826 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
(initial value)
(after execution of TDO transition
timing switching command)
Figure 34.3 User Debugging Interface Data Transfer Timing
34.4.4 User Debugging Interface Reset
A user debugging interface reset occurs when a user debugging interface reset assert command is
set in SDIR. A user debugging interface reset is of the same kind as a power-on reset. A user
debugging interface reset is cleared by setting a user debugging interface reset negate command.
The required time between the user debugging interface reset assert command and user debugging
interface reset negate command is the same as time for keeping the RES pin low to apply a power-
on reset.
Chip internal reset
CPU state
Fetch the initial values of PC and SR from
the exception handling vector table
User debugging
interface reset assert
User debugging
interface reset assert
Figure 34.4 User debugging interface Reset
34.4.5 User Debugging Interface Interrupt
The user debugging interface interrupt function generates an interrupt by setting a command from
the user debugging interface into SDIR. A user debugging interface interrupt is a general
exception/interrupt operation, resulting in fetching the exception service routine start address from
the exception handling vector table, jumping to that address, and starting program execution from
that address. This interrupt request has a fixed priority level of 15.
User debugging interface interrupts are accepted in sleep mode, but not in software standby mode.