Section 21 IEBus
Page 1124 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
0 TXEACK 0 R/(W)* Acknowledge Bit Status
Indicates the data received in the acknowledge bit of
the data field.
Acknowledge bit other than in the data field
This module terminates the transmission and enters
the wait state if a NAK is received. In this case, this
bit is set to 1.
Acknowledge bit in the data field
This module retransmits data up to the maximum
number of bytes defined by the communications
mode until an ACK is received from the receive unit
if a NAK is received from the receive unit during
data field transmission. In this case, when an ACK
is received from the receive unit during
retransmission, this flag is not set and transmission
will be continued. When transmission is terminated
without receiving an ACK, this flag is set to 1.
Note: This flag is invalid in broadcast communications.
[Setting condition]
When the acknowledge bit of 1 (NAK) is detected
[Clearing condition]
When 1 is written
Note: * only 1 can be written to clear the flag.