Section 11 Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 539 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
11.4.8 Complementary PWM Mode
In the complementary PWM mode, three-phase output of non-overlapping positive and negative
PWM waveforms can be obtained by combining channels 3 and 4. PWM waveforms without non-
overlapping interval are also available.
In complementary PWM mode, TIOC3B, TIOC3D, TIOC4A, TIOC4B, TIOC4C, and TIOC4D
pins function as PWM output pins, the TIOC3A pin can be set for toggle output synchronized with
the PWM period. TCNT_3 and TCNT_4 function as up/down counters.
Table 11.52 shows the PWM output pins used. Table 11.53 shows the settings of the registers
A function to directly cut off the PWM output by using an external signal is supported as a port
Table 11.52 Output Pins for Complementary PWM Mode
Channel Output Pin Description
3 TIOC3A Toggle output synchronized with PWM period (or I/O port)
TIOC3B PWM output pin 1
TIOC3C I/O port*
TIOC3D PWM output pin 1'
(non-overlapping negative-phase waveform of PWM output 1;
PWM output without non-overlapping interval is also available)
4 TIOC4A PWM output pin 2
TIOC4B PWM output pin 3
TIOC4C PWM output pin 2'
(non-overlapping negative-phase waveform of PWM output 2;
PWM output without non-overlapping interval is also available)
TIOC4D PWM output pin 3'
(non-overlapping negative-phase waveform of PWM output 3;
PWM output without non-overlapping interval is also available)
Note: * Avoid setting the TIOC3C pin as a timer I/O pin in the complementary PWM mode.