FX Series Programmable Controllers Menu Bar Function 6
6.4.3 Creating and editing the image library
The "Image Library" command allows to read only the data used in the DU from the indicator/switch graphic
file preliminarily provided, register it, and display it in the DU.
For the details of the library, refer to Paragraph o-o.
Image library creation dialog box
[Export] Outputs the graphic displayed in “3) Graphic display area” to a bit-map format file.
[Import] Receives (Inputs) a bit-map format file as the graphic specified by “1) No.”.
Graphics such as switches, indicators, etc. are offered as the screen data (DUP format). Utilize
[Update] Updates the registered graphic to the imported graphic.
1. Point the No. in the registered graphic list to be modified using the mouse, and click it. Or
enter a numeric to "1) No." (The background color of the selected data is changed, and the
selected No. is displayed in "1) No.")
2. Enter the comment to "2) Comment" or import the graphic, then click the Update button.
[Insert] Registers additionally the graphic to the registration No. specified.
Enter the No. to be added to “1) No.”, enter the comment to "2) Commen" or import the graphic,
then click the Insert button or press the [Enter] key.
[Delete] Deletes the graphic registered.
Point the No. or the comment to be deleted from the graphic list registered using the mouse
(The background color of the selected data is changed, and the selected No. is displayed in “1)
No.”), then click the ”Delete” button.
When selecting two or more consecutive graphics, point the head No. or comment line, then
point the end line while pressing and holding the [Shift] key.
[Exit] Closes and terminates the dialog box.
1) No. 2) Comment 3) Graphic display area
The Nos. , comments, types and
sizes already registered are
displayed in the list.
Displays the color type of the
graphic displayed on the right