FX Series Programmable Controllers Menu Bar Function 6
This paragraph describes respectively the operating procedures to select an object on the screen being
edited (transfer source), move it on the same screen, or transfer it to another screen in the same file or a
screen in a different file (project).
Transfer (cut and paste) procedure
Screen No. 0
Screen No. 0
Same screen
Another screen
Screen No. 20
To be deleted after
being transferred
Copied on the
clip board
Click to select an object to be transferred (text
"DATA" in this example).
When an object is selected, square marks are
displayed at its four corners.
Transfer to another screen or screen data
Movement on the same screen
The following two methods are available to
execute deletion. Perform either one.
1. Select "Edit" and "Cut" on the tool bar.
2. Press the [CTRL] and [X] keys at the same time.
Drag the selected object by moving the
mouse, and release the mouse button in a
desired position.
Display after deletion is
[Drag] To point an object and move it while pressing
the left or right button of the mouse.