Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
sgcp graceful-shutdown
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
sgcp graceful-shutdown
To block all new calls and gracefully terminate all existing calls (wait for the caller to end the call), use
the sgcp graceful-shutdown command in global configuration mode. To unblock all calls and allow new
calls to go through, use the no form of this command.
sgcp graceful-shutdown
no sgcp graceful-shutdown
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults No default behavior or values.
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Once you issue this command, all requests for new connections (CreateConnection requests) are denied.
All existing calls are maintained until users terminate them, or until you enter the no sgcp command.
When the last active call is terminated, the SGCP daemon is terminated, and all resources allocated to it
are released.
Examples The following example shows all new calls being blocked and existing calls being terminated:
sgcp graceful-shutdown
Related Commands
Release Modification
12.0(5)T This command was introduced in a private release on the Cisco AS5300
universal access server only and was not generally available.
12.0(7)XK Support for this command was extended to the Cisco MC3810
multiservice concentrator and the Cisco 3600 series routers (except for
the Cisco 3620) in a private release that was not generally available.
12.1(2)T This command was integrated into 12.1(2)T and was generally available
on the Cisco 3600 series router and the Cisco MC3810 multiservice
Command Description
sgcp Starts and allocates resources for the SGCP daemon.
sgcp call-agent Defines the IP address of the default SGCP call agent.
sgcp max-waiting-delay Sets the SGCP maximum waiting delay to prevent restart avalanches.
sgcp modem passthru Enables SGCP modem or fax pass-through.