Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show pots status
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
Table 50 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
Table 50 show pots status Field Descriptions
Field Descriptions
POTS Global Configuration Displays the settings of the telephone port physical characteristic
commands. Also displays the following:
• TX GAIN—Current transmit gain of telephone ports.
• RX LOSS—Current transmit loss of telephone ports.
• Filter Mask—Value determines which filters are currently
enabled or disabled in the telephone port hardware.
• Adaptive Cntrl Mask—Value determines if telephone port
adaptive line impedance hardware is enabled or disabled.
Hook Switch Finite State Machine Device driver that tracks state of telephone port hook switch.
CODEC Finite State Machine Device driver that controls telephone port codec hardware.
CODEC Registers Register contents of telephone port codec hardware.
CODEC Coefficients Codec coefficients selected by telephone port driver. Selected line
type determines codec coefficients.
CSM Finite State Machine State of call-switching module (CSM) software.
Time Slot Control Register that determines if telephone port voice or data packets
are sent to an ISDN B channel.
Command Description
pots country Configures telephones, fax machines, or modems connected to a
Cisco 800 series router to use country-specific default settings for
each physical characteristic.
pots dialing-method Specifies how the Cisco 800 series router collects and sends digits
dialed on your connected telephones, fax machines, or modems.
pots disconnect-supervision Specifies how a Cisco 800 series router notifies the connected
telephones, fax machines, or modems when the calling party has
pots disconnect-time Specifies the interval in which the disconnect method is applied
if telephones, fax machines, or modems connected to a Cisco 800
series router fail to detect that a calling party has disconnected.
pots distinctive-ring-guard-time Specifies a delay in which a telephone port can be rung after a
previous call is disconnected (Cisco 800 series routers).
pots encoding Specifies the PCM encoding scheme for telephones, fax
machines, or modems connected to a Cisco 800 series router.
pots line-type Specifies the impedance of telephones, fax machines, or modems
connected to a Cisco 800 series router.
pots ringing-freq Specifies the frequency at which telephones, fax machines, or
modems connected to a Cisco 800 series router ring.