Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show voice trunk-conditioning supervisory
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
Table 67 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
Table 67 show voice trunk-conditioning supervisory Field Descriptions
Field Description
keep_alive Signaling packets periodically sent to the far end, even if there is no
signal change. These signaling packets function as keep alive
master The voice port configured as “connect trunk xxxx.”
slave The voice port configured as “connect trunk xxxx answer-mode.”
oos_ais_timer Time since the signaling packet with AIS indicator was received.
pattern 4-bit signaling pattern.
restart The restart timeout after far end is OOS.
rx-idle The signaling bit pattern indicating that the far end is idle.
rx-oos The signaling bit pattern sent to the PBX indicating that the network
is OOS.
standby The time before the slave side goes back to standby after the far end
goes OOS.
supp_all The timeout before suppressing transmission of voice and signaling
packets to the far end after detection of PBX OOS.
supp_voice The timeout before suppressing transmission of voice packet to the
far end after detection of PBX oos.
timeout The timeout for nonreceipt of keepalive packets before the far end
is considered to be OOS.
TRUNK_SC_CONNECT Trunk conditioning supervisory component status.
Command Description
show dial-peer voice Displays the configuration for all VoIP and POTS dial peers
configured on the router.
show voice dsp Displays the current status of all DSP voice channels.
show voice port Displays configuration information about a specific voice port.
show voice trunk-conditioning
Displays the status of trunk-conditioning signaling and timing
parameters for a voice port