3 - 9
Explanation of the request register
No. Function Bit device Request register
1 PLC ready flag M2000 D704
2 Speed switching point specified flag M2040 D705
3 All axes servo ON command M2042 D706
4 Real/virtual mode switching request (SV22) M2043 D707
5 JOG operation simultaneous start command M2048 D708
6 Manual pulse generator 1 enable flag M2051 D755
7 Manual pulse generator 2 enable flag M2052 D756
8 Manual pulse generator 3 enable flag M2053 D757
(Note-1): The range of axis No.1 to 8 is valid in the Q172HCPU.
(Note-2): Device area of 9 axes or more is unusable in the Q172HCPU.
(Note-3): This signal is unusable in the SV13/SV22 real mode.
(Note-4): Handling of D704 to D708 and D755 to D757 registers
Because cannot be turn ON/OFF for every bit from the PLC CPU, the above
bit devices are assigned to D register, and each bit device becomes on with
the lowest rank bit 0
1 of each register, and each bit device becomes off
with 1
Use it when the above functions are requested from the PLC CPU using the
S(P).DDRD and S(P).DDWR instruction. Refer to the
"Q173HCPU/Q172HCPU Motion controller (SV13/SV22) Programming
Manual (Motion SFC)" for the S(P).DDRD and S(P).DDWR instruction.
The direct bit device ON/OFF is possible in the Motion SFC program.
(Note-5): It can also be ordered the device of a remark column.
(Note-6): M3080 does not turn off automatically. Turn it off as an user side.
The data executed later becomes effective when the same device is executed in the Motion
SFC program and PLC program.