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(d) When it starts in the proximity dog, the zero point is not passed at the time of
the proximity dog is turned OFF during travel to reverse direction of home
position return, it continues to travel with home position return speed until
the zero point is passed. The zero point is passed again during deceleration
by zero point pass, the home position becomes this side compared with the
case to pass zero point at the time of the proximity dog OFF.
Acceleration time Deceleration time
Home position
return direction
Creep speed
Home position
Home position
return start
Home position
return speed
Proximity dog
Zero point
1) It travels to preset reverse direction of
home position return with the home
position return speed.
2) If the zero point is passed by the
proximity dog OFF, a deceleration
stop is made.
3) After a deceleration stop, it travels to
direction of home position return with
the creep speed, and the home
position return ends with first zero
point after the proximity dog ON.