6 -
6.22 Manual Pulse Generator Operation
Positioning control based on the number of pulses inputted from the manual pulse
generator is executed.
Simultaneous operation for 1 to 3 axes is possible with one manual pulse generator,
the number of connectable modules are shown below.
Number of connectable to the manual pulse generator
• When two or more Q173PXs are installed, connect the manual pulse generator to
first (It counts from 0 slot of the CPU base) Q173PX.
(When the manual pulse generator is used, only first Q173PX is valid.)
[Control details]
(1) Positioning of the axis set in the manual pulse generator axis setting register
based on the pulse input from the manual pulse generator.
Manual pulse generator operation is only valid while the manual pulse generator
enable flag turn ON.
Manual pulse generator
connecting position
Manual pulse generator
axis No. setting register
Manual pulse generator
enable flag
P1 D714, D715 M2051
P2 D716, D717 M2052
P3 D718, D719 M2053
(2) The travel value and output speed for positioning control based on the pulse input
from manual pulse generator are shown below.
(a) Travel value
The travel value based on the pulse input from a manual pulse generator is
calculated using the following formula.
[Travel value] = [Travel value per pulse]
[Number of input pulses] [Manual
pulse generator 1- pulse input magnification setting]
The travel value per pulse for manual pulse generator operation is shown
Unit Travel value
mm 0.1 [
inch 0.00001 [inch]
degree 0.00001 [degree]
If units is [mm], the command travel value for input of one pulse is:
(1[PLS]) (Manual pulse generator 1- pulse input
magnification setting)