Glossary 261
local directory domain A directory of identification, authentication, authorization, and
other administrative data that’s accessible only on the computer where it resides. The
local directory domain isn’t accessible from other computers on the network.
local domain A directory domain that can be accessed only by the computer it resides
local home directory See local home folder.
local home folder A home folder that resides on disk on the computer a user is logged
in to. It’s accessible only by logging directly in to the computer where it resides, unless
you log in to the computer using SSH.
local hostname A name that designates a computer on a local subnet. It can be used
without a global DNS system to resolve names to IP addresses. It consists of lowercase
letters, numbers, or hyphens (except as the last characters), and ends with “.local” (For
example, bills-computer.local). Although the default name is derived from the
computer name, a user can specify this name in the Sharing pane of System
Preferences. It can be changed easily, and can be used anywhere a DNS name or fully
qualified domain name is used. It can only resolve on the same subnet as the computer
using it.
logical disk A storage device that appears to a user as a single disk for storing files,
even though it might actually consist of more than one physical disk drive. An Xsan
volume, for example, is a logical disk that behaves like a single disk even though it
consists of multiple storage pools that are, in turn, made up of multiple LUNs, each of
which contains multiple disk drives. See also physical disk.
long name The long form of a user or group name. See also user name.
managed client A user, group, or computer whose access privileges and/or
preferences are under administrative control.
managed preferences System or application preferences that are under administrative
control. Workgroup Manager allows administrators to control settings for certain
system preferences for Mac OS X managed clients.
mobile account An account with both a local and a network home folder. Mobile
accounts cache authentication information and managed preferences. In Mac OS X
v10.4 and later, a mobile account includes a portable home directory, which is a synced
subset of the local and network home folders.
mount (verb) To make a remote directory or volume available for access on a local
system. In Xsan, to cause an Xsan volume to appear on a client’s desktop, just like a
local disk.