Teledyne 400E Dollhouse User Manual

Theory of Operation M400E Ozone Analyzer Operator’s Manual
Unfortunately, both ambient temperature and pressure influence the density of the sample gas and therefore the
number of ozone molecules present in the absorption tube thus changing the amount of light absorbed.
In order to account for this effect the following addition is made to the equation:
Equation 11-3
T = sample temperature in Kelvin
P = sample pressure in inches of mercury
Finally, to convert the result into parts per billion (PPB), the following change is made:
Equation 11-4
In a nutshell the Model 400E Ozone Analyzer:
Measures each of the above variables: sample temperature; sample pressure; the intensity of the UV
light beam with
and without O
Inserts known values for the length of the absorption path and the absorption coefficient, and
Calculates the concentration of O
present in the sample gas.
190 04315 Rev. C1