Creating and modifying global configuration templates 215
Model 1001MC Operations Guide 9 • Model 3088RC management
Figure 101 is the Unit Configuration section (see figure 101) for the configuring E1 link parameters. There are
16 configurable parameters. What follows is a description of them with the available options for each.
Figure 101. Unit Configuration section of the web management table
• DTE Rate
Use the dropdown menu to select an available DTE rate
• Clock Mode, this selects the source of the clock used for the Transmit signal on the E1 channel. Please
note the difference from “Tx Clock Timing” described below.
- network-CLK(0)—derived from the received signal from the network
- internal-CLK(1)—driven by the internal oscillator in the 3088RC NTU
- external-CLK(2)—provided by DTE External Transmit Clock signal
• DSL Link Enable (dslLinkEnable3088RC)
- enable(0)
- disable(1)
• Line Probe (lineProbe3088RC)
Enables or disables the Line Probe feature to negotiate the optimal rate for current line conditions
- enable(0)
- disable(1)
• Annex Type (annexType3088RC)
Sets the DSL annex type
- annexA(0)
- annexB(1)