When you press a key, a green square will flash in the upper left corner if the key is valid; if
the key is not valid, a red box will flash in the upper left corder.
A.2.4 Editing numeric fields
When the focus is on an editable field, pressing F1 (EDIT) will display the Edit Dialog
containing the field’s original text.
Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to move through the individual characters within the
field and to select the character to be changed. Use the UP and DOWN arrows keys to
select the value of each digit. The possible values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, “-” (minus),
“.” (period), and “E”.
The “-” value is available for signed numbers.
The “.” and the “E” values are available for floating-point numbers, except for retention
times and timed event values.
The following rules apply when entering a floating-point value:
• More than one “E” is not allowed.
• More than one “.” is not allowed.
• If the previous position is an “E” then a “.” and a 0 is not allowed.
• A “-” is allowed only after an “E” or at the first position only.
• If the previous position is “.” then an “E” is not allowed.
• If the first character is a “-” and the current index is 1 then a “.” is not allowed.
• If the previous position is a “-” then a 0 is not allowed.
• If the next character is an “E” then a “.” is not allowed at the previous location.
The DOWN arrow key moves backward in the list from the current value of the selected
The UP arrow key moves forward in the list from the current value of the selected digit.
The F1 (BACKSP) key acts as a backspace and deletes the digit immediately to the left of
the current position.
The ENTER key validates and saves the entry, then closes the Edit Dialog. The new entry
will display in the field.