Connecting the optional ground wire
If you wish to provide the Foundation Fieldbus module with surge protection, there is a
ground lug at TB2 on the module’s carrier board, which is the middle card in the stack. One
end of the ground wire should be attached to this lug nut, and the other end should be
attached to the frame of the GC.
Carrier board showing ground lug at TB2Figure 4-37:
The Foundation Fieldbus module is designed to be intrinsically safe; however, attaching a
ground wire will nullify this feature.
Foundation Fieldbus jumper settings
In order for the Foundation Fieldbus module to work correctly, you must set several
jumpers that are spread across a number of circuit boards. The following table summarizes
the jumper settings for the Foundation Fieldbus.
Board Jumper Set?
Preamplifier JP1 No
Heater Solenoid Driver(s) JP1 No
Base I/O JP1 Yes
JP2 No
JP3 Yes (Pins 2 and 3)
S4 No
Operation and maintenance