Catalyst 2960 and 2960-S Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 38 Troubleshooting
Recovering from a Lost or Forgotten Password
The switch file system appears:
Directory of flash:
13 drwx 192 Mar 01 1993 22:30:48 c2960-lanbase-mz.122-25.FX.0
16128000 bytes total (10003456 bytes free)
Step 4 Boot up the system:
Switch: boot
You are prompted to start the setup program. To continue with password recovery, enter N at the prompt:
Continue with the configuration dialog? [yes/no]: N
Step 5 At the switch prompt, enter privileged EXEC mode:
Switch> enable
Step 6 Enter global configuration mode:
Switch# configure terminal
Step 7 Change the password:
Switch (config)# enable secret
The secret password can be from 1 to 25 alphanumeric characters, can start with a number, is case
sensitive, and allows spaces but ignores leading spaces.
Step 8 Return to privileged EXEC mode:
Switch (config)# exit
Note Before continuing to Step 9, power on any connected stack members and wait until they have
completely initialized.
Stacking is supported only on Catalyst 2960-S switches running the LAN base image.
Step 9 Write the running configuration to the startup configuration file:
Switch# copy running-config startup-config
The new password is now in the startup configuration.
Note This procedure is likely to leave your switch virtual interface in a shutdown state. You can see
which interface is in this state by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.
To re-enable the interface, enter the interface vlan vlan-id global configuration command, and
specify the VLAN ID of the shutdown interface. With the switch in interface configuration
mode, enter the no shutdown command.
Step 10 You must now reconfigure the switch. If the system administrator has the backup switch and VLAN
configuration files available, you should use those.