Teledyne T400 Model Vehicle User Manual

Communications Setup and Operation T400 Ozone Analyzer Operator’s Manual
Using the USB port disallows use of the rear panel COM2 port except when using the
COM2 port for multidrop communication. USB configuration requires matching the
baud rates of the instrument and the PC to which it is connected. To view or change the
instrument baud rate:
1. Go to SETUP>MORE>COMM>COM2 menu.
2. Press the SET> button until “COM2 BAUD RATE:xxxxx” appears in the Param field
of the instrument display.
3. Check that the baud rate of the instrument matches the baud rate of your PC (if they
do not match, change either one to match the other).
4. Press the ENTR button to accept any changes.
Two communications protocols available with the analyzer are MODBUS and Hessen.
MODBUS setup instructions are provided here (Section 6.7.1) and registers are provided
in Appendix
A. Hessen setup and operation istructions are provided in Section 6.7.2.
6.7.1. MODBUS
The following set of instructions assumes that the user is familiar with MODBUS
communications, and provides minimal information to get started. For additional
instruction, please refer to the Teledyne API MODBUS manual, PN 06276. Also refer to for MODBUS communication protocols.
Minimum Requirements
Instrument firmware with MODBUS capabilities installed.
MODBUS-compatible software (TAPI uses MODBUS Poll for testing; see
Personal computer
Communications cable (Ethernet or USB or RS232)
Possibly a null modem adapter or cable
06870C DCN6332