MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C
97 Audio Inhibit Discrete
The Audio Inhibit discrete is an optional input to maintain audio and visual prioritization. When
activated, this discrete inhibits all audio (Ground Proximity and Terrain Awareness). Activation of
the Audio Inhibit input for more than 60 seconds will result in the “All Modes Inhibit” fault.
The Audio Inhibit discrete input can be connected to any or all of the following (as applicable to
the aircraft configuration):
- a separately labeled guarded cockpit switch
For some existing GPWS installations, this discrete may have been tied to the analog Radio
Altimeter Receiver-Transmitter Self-Test output. This connection is no longer required but may
be left intact for this installation.
Discrete Position / Status Connector Pin
Audio Inhibit +28 Inhibit = +28V
Not Inhibit = Gnd/Open
Honeywell does not recommend the use of this input for Helicopters. Landing Gear Discrete
Landing Gear discrete is supplied by the Gear (or Gear handle) switch. The active position (+28V
or GND) indicates “Gear Down” and should be connected to a contact that will indicate Gear
Down when the Gear are lowered.
Discrete Position / Status Connector Pin
Landing Gear +28 Down = +28V
Not Down = Gnd/Open
Landing Gear Gnd Down = Gnd
Not Down = +28V /Open
For fixed gear or skid equipped aircraft this input is not required. Weight ON Wheels (WOW) Discrete
The Weight on Wheels (WOW) discrete is supplied by the WOW system in the aircraft.
Connection can be made to the actual OLEO switch or relay logic later in the aircraft wiring.
For aircraft without WOW indication such as those with fixed gear or skids, this input discrete is
not required.
Discrete Position / Status Connector Pin
WOW +28 On Ground = +28V
In Air = Gnd/Open
WOW Gnd On Ground = Gnd
In Air = +28V /Open