MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C
1.4 Reference Documents
Following is a list of Honeywell reference documents:
965-1590-601 Product Specification for the MK XXII Enhanced Ground Proximity
Warning System (EGPWS)
993-1176-401 Interface Control Document (ICD) for the MK VI/VIII/XXII Enhanced
Ground Proximity Warning System
965-1590-206 Outline, MK XXII EGPWC
060-4326-000 EGPWS Terrain Database Airport Coverage List
060-4314-009 Generic RWFM Supplement For EGPWS
060-4314-200 Mk XXII Helicopter-Enhanced GPWS Pilot’s Guide
060-4314-006 General Flight Test Procedure
060-4167-167 Installation Ground Test Procedure for the Mk XXII EGPWS for
Rotary Wing Aircraft
060-4314-002 Failures Modes, Effects, and Safety Analysis
060-4314-011 Line Maintenance Manual