MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C
3.3.11 Category 11 – Heading Input Select
Category 11 defines the Magnetic Heading interface.
Appendix E Table E 3.1.11
defines the Heading Input Select types and identifies the first MK XXII
EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry). Instructions
1. Using
Appendix E Tables E 3, E 3.1.11 and E 3.1.11-x
, select Heading Input type that
matches the aircraft configuration, feature preferences, and version (part number) being
2. Record the ID number for the Heading Input Select from
Appendix E Table E 3.1.11
under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 11 on Table E 3. This number will be
used for programming the configuration module.
3. Using the Heading Input Select number from
Appendix E Table E 3.1.11
as “x”, go to
Appendix E Table E 3.1.11-x.
The electrical interfaces (pin-outs) for the Heading Input
Select Type are shown in
Appendix E Table E 3.1.11-x
are used to determine the wiring
interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-3. Magnetic Heading
Magnetic Heading is used for Terrain Awareness alert and display and for Envelope Modulation.