5. Base Specifications Parameters
# Items Details
Setting range (unit)
1088 G30SL Disable G30
soft limit
Specify how to handle the soft limit during G30 (2nd
reference point return) movement.
0: Soft limit valid during G30 movement
1: Soft limit invalid during G30 movement
1089 Cut_RT Short cut for
rotary axis
Specify how to handle the short cut control for the
rotary axis ("#1017 rot" is set to 1).
0: No short cut (move toward end point)
1: Uses short cut (when using the absolute value
command‚ move in the direction where the
movement amount will be 180 degrees or less)
0: No short cut
1: Use short cut
1090 Lin_RT Linear
rotary axis
Specify how to handle a command for the rotary axis
that exceeds 360 degrees.
0: For absolute value commands that exceed 360
degrees‚ the value will be converted into a
remainder of 360 degrees and the axis will move.
Example: If the command is 420 degrees‚ the
applied value will be 60 degrees.
1: For absolute value commands that exceed 360
degrees‚ the axis will move in the same manner
as a linear axis.
Example: If the command is 420 degrees‚ the axis
will pass the 360 degree position and
will move to the 60 degree position.
1091 Mpoint Ignore
middle point
Specify now to handle the middle point during G28 and
G30 reference point return.
0: Moves to the reference point after passing the
middle point designated in the program.
1: Ignores the middle point designated in the
program and move straight to the reference point.
Tchg _A
tools for
Specify the movement of the additional axis during tool
change position return.
0: The additional axis does not move with the tool
change position return command.
1: After returning the standard axis with the tool
change position return command‚ the additional
axis also returns to the tool change position.
1093 Wmvfin Waiting
part systems
Specify the method for waiting between part systems.
When the movement command is found in the wait
command ! block:
0: Waits before executing movement command
1: Waits after executing movement command
1094 Tl_SBK
(for L
Select life
count for
single block
Select whether to count the data units to be used for a
single block when using the tool life management II
function (lathe system).
0: Does not count the data units.
1: Count the data units.