3. I/O Parameters
3.1 Base Parameters
3. I/O Parameters
3.1 Base Parameters
<I/O> # <PORT No.> # <DEV. No.> <DEV. NAME>
Specify the board No. to which the serial
input/output device is connected to each
Set the input/output device No. for
each application.
The device Nos. are 0 to 4 and
correspond to the input/output
device parameters.
The device name set in the
input/output device parameter is
also displayed for identification.
DATA IN 9001 Specify the port for inputting the data
such as machine program and
9002 Specify the No. of the device that
inputs the data.
DATA OUT 9003 Specify the port for outputting the data
such as machine program and
9004 Specify the No. of the device that
outputs the data.
TAPE MODE 9005 Specify the input port for running with
the tape mode.
9006 Specify the No. of the device to be
run with the tape mode.
9007 Specify the output port for the user
macro DPRINT command.
9008 Specify the No. of the device for the
DPRINT command.
PLC IN/OUT 9009 Specify the port for inputting/outputting
various data with PLC.
9010 Specify the No. of the device for the
PLC input/output.
9011 Not used. 9012 Not used.