D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 91
• DNS servers—If these options are not set with the set interface dhcp-server
command’s primary-dns and secondary-dns options, the MSS DHCP server uses
the values set by the set ip dns server command.
• Default router—If this option is not set with the set interface dhcp-server command’s
default-router option, the MSS DHCP server can use the value set by the set ip
route command. A default route configured by set ip route can be used if the route
is in the DHCP client’s subnet. Otherwise, the MSS DHCP server does not specify
a router address.
Examples: The following command enables the DHCP server on VLAN red-vlan to serve
addresses from the to range:
DWS-1008# set interface red-vlan ip dhcp-server enable start stop
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set ip dns domain
• set ip dns server
• show dhcp-server
set interface status
Administratively disables or reenables an IP interface.
Syntax: set interface vlan-id status {up | down}
vlan-id VLAN name or number.
up Enables the interface.
down Disables the interface.
Defaults: IP interfaces are enabled by default.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command disables the IP interface on VLAN mauve:
DWS-1008# set interface mauve status down
success: set interface mauve to down
See Also:
• clear interface
• set interface
• show interface