D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 55
show port counters
Displays port statistics.
Syntax: show port counters [octets | packets | receive-errors | transmit-errors |
collisions | receive-etherstats | transmit-etherstats] [port port-list]
octets Displays octet statistics.
packets Displays packet statistics.
receive-errors Displays errors in received packets.
transmit-errors Displays errors in transmitted packets.
collisions Displays collision statistics.
receive-etherstats Displays Ethernet statistics for received packets.
transmit-etherstats Displays Ethernet statistics for transmitted packets.
port port-list List of physical ports. If you do not specify a port list, MSS displays
statistics for all ports.
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Usage: You can specify one statistic type with the command.
Examples: The following command shows octet statistics for port 3:
DWS-1008> show port counters octets port 3
Port Status Rx Octets Tx Octets
3 Up 27965420 34886544
This command’s output has the same fields as the monitor port counters command.
See Also:
• clear port counters
• monitor port counters