D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 288
Examples: The following command creates an archive of the system-critical files and copies
the archive directly to a TFTP server. The filename in this example includes a TFTP server IP
address, so the archive is not stored locally on the switch.
DWS-1008# backup system tftp:/ critical
success: sent 28263 bytes in 0.324 seconds [ 87231 bytes/sec]
See Also:
• dir
• restore
clear boot backup-configuration
Clears the filename specified as the backup configuration file. In the event that MSS cannot read
the configuration file at boot time, a backup configuration file is not used.
Syntax: clear boot backup-configuration
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: You can create an archive located on a TFTP server or in the switch’s nonvolatile storage.
If you specify a TFTP server as part of the filename, the archive is copied directly to the TFTP
server and not stored locally on the switch.
Examples: The following command clears the name specified as the backup configuration file
from the configuration of the switch:
DWS-1008# clear boot backup-configuration
success: Backup boot config filename was cleared.
See Also:
• set boot backup-configuration
• show boot
clear boot config
Resets to the factory default the configuration that MSS loads during a reboot.
Syntax: clear boot config
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.