D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 342
set radio-profile countermeasures
Countermeasures affect wireless service on a radio. When an AP radio is sending
countermeasures, the radio is disabled for use by network traffic, until the radio finishes sending
the countermeasures.
Enables or disables countermeasures for on the DWL-8220AP radios managed by a radio profile.
Countermeasures are packets sent by a radio to prevent clients from being able to use rogue
access points.
DWL-8220AP radios can also issue countermeasures against interfering devices. An interfering
device is not part of the D-Link network but also is not a rogue. No client connected to the device
has been detected communicating with any network entity listed in the forwarding database (FDD)
of any DWS-1008 switch in the MobileLAN. Although the interfering device is not connected to
your network, the device might be causing RF interference with
DWL-8220AP radios.
Syntax: set radio-profile name countermeasures {all | rogue | configured | none}
Defaults: Countermeasures are disabled by default.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command enables countermeasures in radio profile radprof3 for rogues
DWS-1008# set radio-profile radprof3 countermeasures rogue
success: change accepted.
The following command disables countermeasures in radio profile radprof3:
DWS-1008# clear radio-profile radprof3 countermeasures
success: change accepted.
Radio profile name.
Configures radios to attack rogues and interfering devices.
Configures radios to attack rogues only.
Configures radios to attack only devices in the attack list on the DWS-1008
(on-demand countermeasures). When this option is specified, devices found to
be rogues by other means, such as policy violations or by determining that the
device is providing connectivity to the wired network, are not attacked.
Disables countermeasures for this radio profile.