D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 105
• CounterMeasureStopTraps—Generated when MSS stops countermeasures against a rogue
access point.
• DAPConnectWarningTraps—Generated when a Distributed AP whose fingerprint has not
been configured in MSS establishes a management session with the switch.
• DeviceFailTraps—Generated when an event with an Alert severity occurs.
• DeviceOkayTraps—Generated when a device returns to its normal state.
• LinkDownTraps—Generated when the link is lost on a port.
• LinkUpTraps—Generated when the link is detected on a port.
• MichaelMICFailureTraps—Generated when two Michael message integrity code (MIC) failures
occur within 60 seconds, triggering Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) countermeasures.
• PoEFailTraps—Generated when a serious PoE problem, such as a short circuit, occurs.
• RFDetectAdhocUserTraps—Generated when MSS detects an ad-hoc user.
• RFDetectRogueAPTraps—Generated when MSS detects a rogue access point.
• RFDetectRogueDisappearTraps—Generated when a rogue access point is no longer being
• RFDetectClientViaRogueWiredAPTraps—Generated when MSS detects, on the wired part
of the network, the MAC address of a wireless client associated with a third-party AP.
• RFDetectDoSPortTraps—Generated when MSS detects an associate request flood,
reassociate request flood, or disassociate request flood.
• RFDetectDoSTraps—Generated when MSS detects a DoS attack other than an associate
request flood, reassociate request flood, or disassociate request flood.
• RFDetectInterferingRogueAPTraps—Generated when an interfering device is detected.
• RFDetectInterferingRogueDisappearTraps—Generated when an interfering device is no
longer detected.
• RFDetectSpoofedMacAPTraps—Generated when MSS detects a wireless packet with the
source MAC address of a D-Link AP, but without the spoofed AP’s signature (fingerprint).
• RFDetectSpoofedSsidAPTraps—Generated when MSS detects beacon frames for a valid
SSID, but sent by a rogue AP.
• RFDetectUnAuthorizedAPTraps—Generated when MSS detects the MAC address of an AP
that is on the attack list.
• RFDetectUnAuthorizedOuiTraps—Generated when a wireless device that is not on the list of
permitted vendors is detected.
• RFDetectUnAuthorizedSsidTraps—Generated when an SSID that is not on the permitted
SSID list is detected.