D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 374
Examples: The following command configures service profile sp3 to use passphrase
“1234567890123<>?=+&% The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy sl”:
DWS-1008# set service-profile sp3 psk-phrase “1234567890123<>?=+&% The
quick brown fox jumps over the lazy sl”
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set mac-user attr
• set service-profile auth-psk
• set service-profile psk-raw
• set service-profile wpa-ie
• show service-profile
set service-profile psk-raw
Configures a raw hexadecimal preshared key (PSK) to use for authenticating WPA clients, in a
service profile. Radios use the PSK as a pairwise master key (PMK) to derive unique pairwise
session keys for individual WPA clients.
Syntax: set service-profile name psk-raw hex
Defaults None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: MSS converts the hexadecimal number into a 256-bit binary number for system use.
MSS also stores the hexadecimal key in the DWS-1008’s configuration. The binary number is
never displayed in the configuration.
To use PSK authentication, you must enable it and you also must enable the WPA IE.
Examples: The following command configures service profile sp3 to use a raw PSK with PSK
DWS-1008# set service-profile sp3 psk-raw
success: change accepted.
Service profile name.
A 64-bit ASCII string representing a 32-digit hexadecimal number. Enter the
two-character ASCII form of each hexadecimal number.