D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 378
set service-profile soda enforce-checks
Specifies whether a client is allowed access to the network after it has downloaded and run the
SODA agent security checks.
Syntax: set service-profile name enforce-checks {enable | disable}
Defaults: By default, SODA agent checks are performed before the client is allowed access to
the network.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: When the SODA agent is enabled in a service profile, by default the SODA agent checks
are downloaded to a client and run before the client is allowed on the network. You can use this
command to disable the enforcement of the SODA security checks, so that the client is allowed
access to the network immediately after the SODA agent is downloaded, rather than waiting for
the security checks to be run.
When the enforce checks option is enabled, upon successful completion of the SODA agent
checks, the client performs an HTTP Get operation to load the success page. Upon loading the
success page, the client is granted access to the network.
In order for the client to load the success page, you must make sure the SODA agent is configured
(through SODA Manager) with the correct URL of the success page, so that the DWS-1008 can
serve the page to the client.
Similarly, you must make sure the SODA agent is configured with the correct URLs of the failure
and logout pages, so that when the client requests these pages, the DWS-1008 can serve those
pages as well.
Examples: The following command allows network access to clients after they have downloaded
the SODA agent, but without requiring that the SODA agent checks be completed:
DWS-1008# set service-profile sp1 enforce-checks disable
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set service-profile soda mode
Service profile name.
SODA agent checks are performed before the client is allowed access to the
Allows the client access to the network immediately after the SODA agent is
downloaded, without waiting for the checks to be run.