D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 6
Name “globbing” is a way of using a wildcard pattern to expand a single element into a list of elements
that match the pattern. MSS accepts user globs, MAC address globs, and VLAN globs. The order in
which globs appear in the configuration is important, because once a glob is matched, processing stops
on the list of globs
User Globs
A user glob is shorthand method for matching an authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
command to either a single user or a set of users.
A user glob can be up to 80 characters long and cannot contain spaces or tabs. The double-asterisk (**)
wildcard characters with no delimiter characters match all usernames. The single-asterisk (*) wildcard
character matches any number of characters up to, but not including, a delimiter character in the glob.
Valid user glob delimiter characters are the at (@) sign and the period (.).
For example, the following globs identify the following users:
User Glob User(s) Designated
jose@example.com User jose at example.com
All users at example.com whose usernames do not contain
periods—for example, jose@example.com and tamara@example.
com, but not nin.wong@example.com, because nin.wong contains
a period.
All marketing users at example.com whose usernames do not
contain periods.
* .*@marketing.example.com
All marketing users at example.com whose usernames contain a
* All users with usernames that have no delimiters.
All users in the Windows Domain EXAMPLE with usernames that
have no delimiters.
All users in the Windows Domain EXAMPLE whose usernames
contain a period.
** All users