D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 480
tag tag-list One or more values that identify a virtual port in a VLAN. Specify a single tag
value from 1 through 4095. Or specify a comma-separated list of values, a
hyphen-separated range, or any combination, with no spaces. MSS assigns
the security ACL to the specified virtual port or ports.
dap dap-num One or more Distributed APs, based on their connection IDs. Specify a
single connection ID, or specify a comma-separated list of connection IDs, a
hyphen-separated range, or any combination, with no spaces. MSS assigns
the security ACL to the specified Distributed APs.
in Assigns the security ACL to traffic coming into the switch.
out Assigns the security ACL to traffic coming from the switch.
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: Before you can map a security ACL, you must use the commit security acl command to
save the ACL in the running configuration and nonvolatile storage.
For best results, map only one input security ACL and one output security ACL to each VLAN,
physical port, virtual port, or Distributed AP to filter a flow of packets. If more than one security ACL
filters the same traffic, MSS applies only the first ACL match and ignores any other matches.
Examples: The following command maps security ACL acl_133 to port 4 for incoming packets:
DWS-1008 set security acl map acl_133 port 4 in
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear security acl map
• commit security acl
• set mac-user attr
• set mac-usergroup attr
• set security acl
• set user attr
• set usergroup
• show security acl map