D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 36
clear port name
Removes the name assigned to a port.
Syntax: clear port port-list name
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command clears the names of ports 1 through 4:
DWS-1008# clear port 1-4 name
See Also:
• set port name
List of physical ports. MSS removes the names from all the
specified ports.
clear port type
Caution: When you clear a port, MSS ends user sessions that are using the port.
Removes all configuration settings from a port and resets the port as a network port.
Syntax: clear port type port-list
Defaults: The cleared port becomes a network port but is not placed in any VLANs.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: Use this command to change a port back to a network port. All configuration settings
specific to the port type are removed. For example, if you clear an access point port, all AP-
specific settings are removed. The following table lists the default network port settings that
MSS applies when you clear a port’s type:
List of physical ports. MSS resets and removes the configuration from all
the specified ports.