
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 138
RFDetectSpoofedMacAPTraps—Generated when MSS detects a wireless packet with the
source MAC address of a D-Link AP, but without the spoofed MP’s signature (fingerprint).
RFDetectSpoofedSsidAPTraps—Generated when MSS detects beacon frames for a
valid SSID, but sent by a rogue AP.
RFDetectUnAuthorizedAPTraps—Generated when MSS detects the MAC address of an
AP that is on the attack list.
RFDetectUnAuthorizedOuiTraps—Generated when a wireless device that is not on the
list of permitted vendors is detected.
RFDetectUnAuthorizedSsidTraps—Generated when an SSID that is not on the permitted
SSID list is detected.
all Sends or drops all notifications.
Defaults: A default notification profile (named default) is already configured in MSS. All notifications
in the default profile are dropped by default.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command changes the action in the default notification profile from
drop to send for all notification types:
DWS-1008# set snmp notify profile default send all
success: change accepted.
The following commands create notification profile snmpprof_rfdetect, and change the action to
send for all RF detection notification types:
DWS-1008# set snmp notify profile snmpprof_rfdetect send
success: change accepted.
DWS-1008# set snmp notify profile snmpprof_rfdetect send
success: change accepted.
DWS-1008# set snmp notify profile snmpprof_rfdetect send RFDetectDoSTraps
success: change accepted.
DWS-1008# set snmp notify profile snmpprof_rfdetect send
success: change accepted.
DWS-1008# set snmp notify profile snmpprof_rfdetect send
success: change accepted.