D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 522
Displays a list of the boot prompt commands.
Syntax: ls
Defaults: None.
Access: Boot prompt.
Usage: To display help for an individual command, type help followed by the command name (for
example, help boot).
Examples: To display a list of the commands available at the boot prompt, type the following
boot> ls
ls Display a list of all commands and descriptions.
help Display help information for each command.
autoboot Display the state of, enable, or disable the autoboot option.
boot Load and execute an image using the current boot configuration profile.
change Change the current boot configuration profile.
create Create a new boot configuration profile.
delete Delete the current boot configuration profile.
next Select the next boot configuration profile.
show Display the current boot configuration profile.
dir Display the contents of the specified boot partition.
fver Display the version of the loadable image specified by device:filename.
version Display HW and Bootstrap/Bootloader version information.
reset Reset the system.
test Display the state of, enable, or disable the tests option.
diag Access the diagnostic command CLI.
See Also:
• help