D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 426
Field Description
Custom logout web-page
The name of the user-specified page that the client loads upon logging out of
the network, either by closing the SODA virtual desktop, or by requesting the
page. If no page is specified, then the client is disconnected without loading a
logout page.
Custom agent-directory
The name of the directory for SODA agent files on the DWS-1008, if different
from the default. By default, SODA agent files are stored in a directory with the
same name as the service profile.
Static COS
Indicates whether static CoS assignment is enabled. When this feature is
enabled, APs assign the CoS value in the COS field to all user traffic forwarded
by the AP.
CoS value assigned by the AP to all user traffic, if static CoS is enabled. (If static
CoS is disabled, WMM or ACLs are used to assign CoS.)
CAC mode
Call Admission Control mode:
• none—CAC is disabled.
• session—CAC is based on the number of active user sessions. If an AP radio
reaches the maximum number of active user sessions specified in the CAC
session field, the AP radio rejects new connection attempts.
CAC sessions
Maximum number of user sessions that can be active on an AP radio at one
time, if the CAC mode is session. (If the CAC mode is none, this value is not
User idle timeout
Indicates how many seconds a user session can remain idle (indicated by no
user traffic and no reply to client keepalive probes) before the session is changed
to the Disassociated state.
Idle client probing
Indicates whether client keepalive probes are enabled.
Keep initial VLAN
Indicates whether the keep-initial-vlan option is enabled.
Web Portal Session
When a Web Portal WebAAA session is placed in the Deassociated state, how
many seconds the session can remain in that state before being terminated
Web Portal ACL
Name of the ACL used to filter traffic for Web Portal users associated with this
service profile’s SSID while the users are being authenticated.
WEP Key 1 value
State of static WEP key number 1. Radios can use this key to encrypt traffic with
static Wired-Equivalent Privacy (WEP):
• none—The key is not configured.
• preset—The key is configured.
Note: The WEP parameters apply to traffic only on the encrypted SSID.
WEP Key 2 value
State of static WEP key number 2:
• none—The key is not configured.
• preset—The key is configured.
WEP Key 3 value
State of static WEP key number 3:
• none—The key is not configured.
• preset—The key is configured.
WEP Key 4 value
State of static WEP key number 4:
• none—The key is not configured.
• preset—The key is configured.
WEP Unicast Index
Index of the static WEP key used to encrypt unicast traffic on an encrypted
WEP Multicast Index
Index of the static WEP key used to encrypt multicast traffic on an encrypted