D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 135
set snmp community
Configures a community string for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c.
Note: For SNMPv3, use the set snmp usm command to configure an SNMPv3 user. SNMPv3
does not use community strings.
Syntax: set snmp community name comm-string
access {read-only | read-notify | notify-only | read-write | notify-read-write}
comm-string Name of the SNMP community. Specify between 1 and 32 alphanumeric
characters, with no spaces.
read-only Allows an SNMP management application using the string to get (read)
object values on the switch but not to set (write) them.
read-notify Allows an SNMP management application using the string to get object
values on the switch but not to set them. The switch can use the string to
send notifications.
notify-only Allows the switch to use the string to send notifications.
read-write Allows an SNMP management application using the string to get and set
object values on the switch.
notify-read-write Allows an SNMP management application using the string to get and set
object values on the switch. The switch also can use the string to send
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: SNMP community strings are passed as clear text in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c. D-Link
recommends that you use strings that cannot easily be guessed by unauthorized users. For
example, do not use the well-known strings public and private.
If you are using SNMPv3, you can configure SNMPv3 users to use authentication and to encrypt
SNMP data.
Examples: The following command configures the read-write community good_community:
DWS-1008# set snmp community read-write good_community
success: change accepted.