D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 472
in Removes the security ACL from traffic coming into the switch.
out Removes the security ACL from traffic going out of the switch.
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: To clear a security ACL map, type the name of the ACL with the VLAN, physical port
or ports, virtual port tag, or Distributed AP and the direction of the packets to stop filtering. This
command deletes the ACL mapping, but not the ACL.
Examples: To clear the mapping of security ACL acljoe from port 4 for incoming packets, type
the following command:
DWS-1008# clear security acl map acljoe port 4 in
clear mapping accepted
To clear all physical ports, virtual ports, and VLANs on a switch of the ACLs mapped for incoming
and outgoing traffic, type the following command:
DWS-1008# clear security acl map all
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear security acl
• set security acl map
• show security acl map
commit security acl
Saves a security ACL, or all security ACLs, in the edit buffer to the running configuration and
nonvolatile storage on the switch. Or, when used with the clear security acl command, commit
security acl deletes a security ACL, or all security ACLs, from the running configuration and
nonvolatile storage.
Syntax: commit security acl {acl-name | all}
acl-name Name of an existing security ACL to commit. ACL names must start with a
letter and are case-insensitive.
all Commits all security ACLs in the edit buffer.