D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 182
clear usergroup attr
Removes an authorization attribute from a user group in the local database on the switch. (To
remove an authorization attribute in RADIUS, see the documentation for your RADIUS server.)
Syntax: clear usergroup group-name attr attribute-name
group-name Name of an existing user group.
attribute-name Name of an attribute used to authorize all the users in the group for a
particular service or session characteristic.
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command removes the members of the user group cardiology from a
network access time restriction by deleting the Time-Of-Day attribute from the group:
DWS-1008# clear usergroup cardiology attr time-of-day
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear usergroup
• set usergroup
• show aaa
set accounting {admin | console}
Sets up accounting services for specified wireless users with administrative access, and defines
the accounting records and where they are sent.
Syntax: set accounting {admin | console} {user-glob} {start-stop | stop-only} method1
[method2] [method3] [method4]
admin Users with administrative access to the switch through Telnet or Web View.
console Users with administrative access to the switch through a console connection.
user-glob Single user or set of users with administrative access or network access.
Specify a username, use the double-asterisk wildcard character (**) to specify all
usernames, or use the single-asterisk wildcard character (*) to specify a set of
usernames up to or following the first delimiter character—either an at sign (@) or a
period (.). (For details, see “User Globs” on page 6.)