D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 154
The table below describes the fields in this display.
Field Description
Interface VLAN name and number.
Configuration Status
Status of the DHCP client on this VLAN:
• Enabled
• Disabled
DHCP State
State of the IP interface:
Lease Allocation Duration of the address lease.
Lease Remaining
Number of seconds remaining before the address
lease expires.
IP Address IP address received from the DHCP server.
Subnet Mask Network mask of the IP address received from the DHCP server.
Default Gateway
Default router (gateway) IP address received from the DHCP server. If the address is,
the server did not provide an address.
DHCP Server IP address of the DHCP server.
DNS Servers DNS server IP address(es) received from the DHCP server.
DNS Domain Name Default DNS domain name received from the DHCP server.
See Also:
• set interface dhcp-client
show dhcp-server
Displays MSS DHCP server information.
Syntax: show dhcp-server [interface vlan-id] [verbose]
interface vlan-id Displays the IP addresses leased by the specified VLAN.
verbose Displays configuration and status information for the MSS DHCP server.
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Examples: The following command displays the addresses leased by the MSS DHCP server:
DWS-1008# show dhcp-server
VLAN Name Address MAC Lease Remaining (sec)
1 default 00:01:02:03:04:05 12345
1 default 00:01:03:04:06:07 2103
2 red-vlan 00:01:03:04:06:08 102
2 red-vlan 00:01:03:04:06:09 16789