D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 404
Field Description
CoS CoS value associated with the forwarding queues.
Forwarding queue.
DAP or Port
Distributed AP number or DWL-8220AP port number.
Radio number.
Tx Number of packets transmitted to the air from the queue.
Number of packets dropped from the queue instead of being transmitted.
Some packet drops are normal, especially if the RF environment is noisy. Also, it
is normal for a mildly congested radio to drop low-priority packets proportionally
more often than high-priority packets. However, continuous packet drops from
the Voice queue can indicate over-subscription or excessive interference in the
RF environment.
show {ap | dap} etherstats
Displays Ethernet statistics for an DWL-8220AP’s Ethernet ports.
Syntax: show {ap | dap} etherstats [port-list | dap-num]
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
List of DWS-1008 ports directly connected to the DWL-8220AP access point(s)
for which to display counters.
Number of a Distributed AP for which to display counters.