D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 276
Examples: The following command shows information about all wireless clients detected by a
switch’s APs:
DWS-1008# show rfdetect clients
Total number of entries: 30
Client MAC Client AP MAC AP Port/Radio NoL Type Last
Vendor Vendor /Channel seen
----------------- ------- ----------------- ------- ------------- --- ----- ----
00:03:7f:bf:16:70 Unknown Unknown dap 1/1/6 1 intfr 207
00:04:23:77:e6:e5 Intel Unknown dap 1/1/2 1 intfr 155
00:05:5d:79:ce:0f D-Link Unknown dap1/1/149 1 intfr 87
00:05:5d:7e:96:a7 D-Link Unknown dap1/1/149 1 intfr 117
00:05:5d:7e:96:ce D-Link Unknown dap1/1/157 1 intfr 162
00:05:5d:84:d1:c5 D-Link Unknown dap 1/1/1 1 intfr 52
The following command displays more details about a specific client:
DWS-1008# show rfdetect clients mac 00:0c:41:63:fd:6d
Client Mac Address: 00:0c:41:63:fd:6d, Vendor: Linksys Port: dap 1, Radio: 1, Channel:
11, RSSI: -82, Rate: 2, Last Seen (secs ago): 84
Bssid: 00:0b:0e:01:02:00, Vendor: D-Link, Type: intfr, Dst: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Last Rogue Status Check (secs ago): 3
The first line lists information for the client. The other lines list information about the most recent
802.11 packet detected from the client.
show rfdetect clients Output
Field Description
Client MAC MAC address of the client.
Client Vendor Company that manufactures or sells the client.
AP MAC MAC address of the radio with which the rogue client is associated.
AP Vendor Company that manufactures or sells the AP with which the rogue client is
Port/Radio/Channel Port number, radio number, and channel number of the radio that detected
the rogue. For a Distributed AP, the connection number is labeled dap.
(This stands for distributed ap.)
NoL Number of listeners. This is the number of AP radios that detected the
rogue client.