D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 330
Usage: To enable or disable one or more radios to which a profile is assigned, use the set ap
radio radio-profile command. To enable or disable all radios that use a specific radio profile, use
the set radio-profile command.
Examples: The following command enables radio 1 on the DWL-8220AP access points connected
to ports 1 through 5:
DWS-1008# set ap 1-5 radio 1 mode enable
success: change accepted.
The following command enables radio 2 on ports 1 through 3:
DWS-1008# set ap 1-3 radio 2 mode enable
success: change accepted.
set {ap | dap} radio radio-profile
Assigns a radio profile to an DWL-8220AP radio and enables or disables the radio.
Syntax: set {ap port-list | dap {dap-num | auto}} radio {1 | 2} radio-profile name
mode {enable | disable}
ap port-list
dap dap-num
dap auto
radio 1
radio 2
radio-profile name
mode enable
mode disable
List of ports.
Number of a Distributed AP.
Sets the radio profile for the DWL-8220AP configuration template.
Radio 1 of the DWL-8220AP.
Radio 2 of the DWL-8220AP.
Radio profile name of up to 16 alphanumeric characters, with no
Enables radios on the specified ports with the parameter settings in the
specified radio profile.
Disables radios on the specified ports.