D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 471
DWS-1008# show security acl info all
ACL information for all
set security acl ip acl_134 (hits #3 0)
1. permit IP source IP destination IP any enable-hits
set security acl ip acl_135 (hits #2 0)
1. deny IP source IP destination IP any enable-hits
See Also:
• clear security acl map
• commit security acl
• set security acl
• show security acl info
clear security acl map
Deletes the mapping between a security ACL and a virtual LAN (VLAN), one or more physical
ports, or a virtual port. Or deletes all ACL maps to VLANs, ports, and virtual ports on a switch.
Note: Security ACLs are applied to users or groups dynamically via the Filter-Id attribute. To
delete a security ACL from a user or group in the local database, use the command clear user
attr, clear mac-user attr, clear usergroup attr, or clear mac-usergroup attr. To delete a
security ACL from a user or group on an external RADIUS server, see the documentation for
your RADIUS server.
Syntax: clear security acl map {acl-name | all} {vlan vlan-id | port port-list [tag tag-value] |
dap dap-num} {in | out}
acl-name Name of an existing security ACL to clear. ACL names start with a letter and
are case-insensitive.
all Removes security ACL mapping from all physical ports, virtual ports, and
VLANs on an switch.
vlan vlan-id VLAN name or number. MSS removes the security ACL from the specified
port port-list Port list. MSS removes the security ACL from the specified physical port or
tag tag-value Tag value that identifies a virtual port in a VLAN. Specify a value from 1
through 4095. MSS removes the security ACL from the specified virtual port.
dap dap-num One or more Distributed APs, based on their connection IDs. Specify a
single connection ID, or specify a comma-separated list of connection IDs, a
hyphen-separated range, or any combination, with no spaces. MSS removes
the security ACL from the specified Distributed APs.