D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 328
Example: The following command sets the maximum power that RF Auto-Tuning can set on
radio 1 on the DWL-8220AP access point on port 5 to 12 dBm.
DWS-1008# set ap 5 radio 1 auto-tune max-power 12
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set radio-profile auto-tune power-config
• set radio-profile auto-tune power-interval
set {ap | dap} radio channel
Sets an DWS-8220AP radio’s channel.
Syntax: set {ap port-list | dap dap-num} radio {1 | 2} channel channel-number
ap port-list
dap dap-num
radio 1
radio 2
Defaults: The default channel depends on the radio type:
• The default channel number for 802.11b/g is 6.
• The default channel number for 802.11a is the lowest valid channel number
for the country of operation.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: You can configure a radio’s transmit power on the same command line. Use the tx-power
option. This command is not valid if dynamic channel tuning (RF Auto-Tuning) is enabled.
List of ports connected to the DWL-8220AP access points on which to
set the channel.
Number of a Distributed AP on which to set the channel.
Radio 1 of the DWL-8220AP.
Radio 2 of the DWL-8220AP.
Channel number. The valid channel numbers depend on the country of